So we finished up the insulation for the main space on Friday aside from a few bays requiring plumbing and electrical work. The cotton is great to work with in that you don't need gloves or masks; though when it gets torn apart I would definitely recommend wearing a mask. I nearly coughed up a sock when I was done. But otherwise great to work with. We shot down to Boston on Saturday to get the rest of the cabinet fronts and see Paul and Eliza. We returned Sunday after racing through a corn maze in Haverhill. The plumbing and electrical rough-in work was finished on Monday and the inspections for both on Monday afternoon. After we got the thumbs-up from Angie I proceeded to finish the insulation in the main space and move on to the skylight while Tobin did the rest of the prep work for the drywall crew. Anne showed up to prime the windows and hand (actually throw would be a better description) insulation up to me so I could finish insulating around the skylights.
Drywall started at 6 this morning and when I left at 8:30 they had all the walls and ceiling hung with the exception of the slots in the ceiling. They should have the first coat of mud on by the end of the day. Should look very different when we get home...

Monday night.

Shanks resting after a long day.
Hi! Found your blog through M&C Build a House. I am always truly amazed at people who can build a house from scratch, they know to leave as many healthy trees as possible, and make the house as earth friendly as possible. It looks like the house is going to be wonderful. Loved the dog. Can't wait to see a picture of the cat!
Thanks Sandy! I need to figure out how to link Michael and Cherie's blog to ours. In terms of building the house from scratch, I am an architect so I guess that means I have some knowledge to work from. But we definitely tried (and are trying) some new things with this place. I'll try and get the cat in later posts.
83 and 3/16 i do believe is what i was told.. i imagine the issue was that the radiant and subfloor jacked 'er up a bit bub... i cut only what i am told... YOU EXPECT ME TO THINK FOR MYSELF!? ha
corey i dont even know what to do with that sketchup model... plus i am too busy failing math classss
i also didnt realize i could post.. so this is pretty intense
it may have been 85 3/16? but either way i measure it.. measured again... asked tobin again.. measured again... no messing around with the engineered lumber...
Lucas, I was just pulling your chain. Everyone (mainly Ander and Tobin) keep asking if I'd heard from you. I told them I had not so I thought I'd see if you would respond to a little goading. Good to see you are alive. I'll let everyone know.
What are you taking math for? Architects don't use math. Don't you have a computer program for that? How are your real classes (studios) going? Send some images when you have a chance. Will you be back at Christmas?
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