The ramp is now complete, sans guardrail. Michael came over one day and helped me erect the structure. It took the two of us to move the heavy beams that support each side of the ramps. These are composed of (3) 2x12's and are 18' long each (27 bolts in each as well). The whole ramp structure was built out of leftover wood from various aspects of the project. I then covered it in cambera, to match the existing deck. It just needs a trim and the aforementioned guardrail to wrap it up. The pool table installers were sure glad to see it. It does not feel too steep walking up and is a nice counterpoint to the slope of the roof monitor above.
The hood is finally in. All that really remains now are the countertops. We may have blown our window for this year and may need to wait for the spring.
Nearly all the trim is now up. It proved to be more time consuming than originally anticipated, with a great deal of planing to get the wood to site against the doors properly. Two more pieces, and some touch up work and it should be done. Also, the two light slots had to be enlarged and are now complete. I wired the last two fixtures. Closing in...
I plan on wrapping up the interior trim and ramp and deck rails this year. With a little luck we may get the wood stove in this year as well. We'll try and update more often, if anyone out there still reads this.
Oh yes, and the pool table was installed yesterday. I'll post pictures next week.