Brief update: we finally have high-speed internet via redZone wireless. To get it, we had to erect a 50' tower near the road, high enough to get over the trees. We have been dealing with dial-up since we moved in and it has been quite frustrating. Cable was going to cost $4,000 and DSL is not available. I was not keen on satellite due to the download limits they enforce (and the high monthly cost). So we went the redZone route. Our neighbors have it and they love it.
The installation was quite a struggle as it was the installers' (Kevin and Mike) first time doing this, and ours as well. The Clarks came over and helped, too. Because the area we chose to erect it in is all ledge, we pinned a concrete pier to the ledge and poured a HDPE tube inside the pier to act as a sleeve. This would help support the base and keep it stable since we had no soil in which to set a stake. The first time we made the mistake of laying the pole out on the ground fully retracted. We then tried to raise it like the flag at Iwo Jima. It took 5 of us to get it in the pier and it was a bear. Fully raised it was flopping around like a reed in the wind. At that point I realized I was going to need more guy wire. Much more.
The installers came back the following week and this time we set the tower in the pier unretracted. We leaned a ladder against a tree and raised it section by section. I set three eye-hooks into trees that were located approximately 120 degrees apart around the pier. we tied the guy wire on to each section raised it and set the next tier of guy wire. When it was fully raised we tensioned off the three tiers and got it pretty straight. Now we have high-speed internet as fast as cable for 1/3 less. Josh configured the router for us and we now have wireless in the house (and out in the woods).
More soon on the ramp.

The tower and base pier.
Marlum enjoying the hole that Anne has dug for the ramp base.